01. Bad Medicine Shout
02. It´s My Life
03. Keep The Faith
04. Livin´ On A Prayer
05. Lost Highway
06. Wanted Dead Or Alive
02. It´s My Life
03. Keep The Faith
04. Livin´ On A Prayer
05. Lost Highway
06. Wanted Dead Or Alive
07. We Weren´t Born To Follow
08. What Do You Got
09. When We Were Beautiful
10. Who Says You Can´t Go Home
11. You Give Love A Bad Name
08. What Do You Got
09. When We Were Beautiful
10. Who Says You Can´t Go Home
11. You Give Love A Bad Name

Gênero: Rock
Lançamento: 2010
Idioma: Inglês
Tamanho: 664MB
Formato: WEBRip

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